Wednesday, November 08, 2006

2004 Race

2004 was the inaugural year for the rumble.
The format was simple: run the 1 mile stretch of river the fastest in a mass start.

alex steinberg leading the pack at 'the sweetness'

nicole mansfield near the finish on 'tantra'

jolyon pruszinski on 'the el salto falls'

long boat and short boats competed together since there was only one long boat. jolyon took home the #1 spot, with andy hunter in the #2 in an embudo...

andy hunter - 'the el salto falls'

after the individual race, we had a relay. teams of three.
good fun. handoffs were ridiculous.

1) jolyon pruszinski - dancer
2) andy hunter - embudo
3) alex steinberg - cfs
4) dan dellwo - blunt
5) mike holliday - huck
6) nicole mansfield - h3
7) ben zabar - cfs
8) steve endy - Y
9) heather schlott - phat
10) magdelena dale - centrifuge
11) ryan ? - rpm
12) allison forbes - hoss

wells river rumble relay 2004
1) mike holliday - huck, andy hunter - embudo, heather schlott- phat
2) jolyon - dancer, dan dellwo - blunt, steve endy - y
3) allison forbes - hoss, nicole mansfield - h3 , nell campbell - huka

Race Flyer: