All photos by patrick rogers
Most paddlers started with a warmup run:
molly malone - right on line
nate monnig - about to dig in
tom ebert - ready to meltdown
the format of the race changed this year; we went a point system. there were four mass-start sprints followed by the mass-start full length race. where your ordinal finish placing was subtracted from the total number of racers to convert to a point score. the sprints were weighted X1 and the full course race weighted X3, so you could win on sprints even if you blew the full length race, but your stamina on the full length still mattered a lot...
mrs. golden's sprint X 1
labyrith sprint X 1
salto sprint X 1
tantra sprint X 1
full course sprint X 3
clown show on mrs. golden's sprint
laura jorgensen leading the pack into the el salto falls
jorgensen in the lead on tantra
steinberg, holliday, and strauss looking down into O-face.
close finish on tantra sprint
post-sprint breather
mrs golden's sprint
(aka sprint #1 through 'brett's mom' and 'the sweetness')
finish name points
1 alex steinberg 16
2 mike holliday 15
3 tom ebert 14
4 nate monnig 13
5 nicole mansfield 12
6 steve endy 11
7 david strauss 10
8 scott andrews 9
9 laura jorgensen 8
10 nell campell 7
11 jay hanna 6
12 molly malone 5
13 ben zabar 4
14 jeff woodward 3
15 katie ammons 2
16 john demming 1
labyrinth sprint
(aka sprint #2 through the labyrinth)
finish name points
1 alex steinberg 16
2 mike holliday 15
3 nicole mansfield 14
4 laura jorgensen 13
5 nate monnig 12
6 tom ebert 11
7 jay hanna 10
8 david strauss 9
9 scott andrews 8
10 nell campbell 7
11 steve endy 6
12 ben zabar 5
13 katie ammons 4
14 molly malone 3
15 jeff woodward 2
16 john demming 1
salto sprint
(aka sprint #3 through 'cafe yo boof' and 'the el salto falls')
finish name points
1 Alex Steinberg 16
2 laura jorgensen 15
3 david strauss 14
4 tom ebert 13
5 nicole mansfield 12
6 jay hanna 11
7 nate monnig 10
8 mike holliday 9
9 scott andrews 8
10 steve endy 7
11 jeff woodward 6
12 ben zabar 5
13 nell campbell 4
14 katie ammons 3
15 molly malone 2
16 john demming 1
tantra sprint
(aka sprint #4 through 'elevator' and 'tantra')
finish name points
1 Laura Jorgensen 16
2 Tom Ebert 15
3 nate monnig 14
4 alex steinberg 13
5 mike holliday 12
6 david strauss 11
7 jeff woodward 10
7 nicole mansfield 9
7 jay hanna 8
10 nell campbell 7
11 katie ammons 6
12 ben zabar 5
13 steve endy 4
14 molly malone 3
15 scott andrews 2
16 john demming 1
alex steinberg managed to dominate most of the sprints, with laura jorgensen coming on strong in the longest one: tantra. newly arrived local tom ebert came as a big surprise sneaking into second after the sprints...
subtotal rank after sprints
rank name points
1 Alex steinberg 61
2 tom ebert 53
3 laura jorgensen 52
4 mike holliday 51
5 nate monnig 49
6 nicole mansfield 48
7 david strauss 44
8 jay hanna 37
9 steve endy 28
10 scott andrews 27
11 nell campbell 25
12 jeff woodward 21
13 ben zabar 19
14 katie ammons 15
15 molly malone 13
16 john demming 4
shuttle, pre-full course race
monnig leading as the pack crests 'the sweetness' - full course race
Full Length Course
finish name points
1 mike holliday 33
2 laura jorgensen 30
3 nate monnig 27
4 alex steinberg 24
5 nicole mansfield 21
6 tom ebert 18
7 ben zabar 15
8 jay hanna 12
9 scott andrews 9
10 david strauss 6
DNF jeff woodward 3
in the full course race is where stamina and familiarity with the run really come in handy. mike holliday broke out and snagged first place with laura a close second, and a strong showing by monnig in third. steinberg took fourth but mananged to hang on to the overall title due to his huge lead from the sprints.
1 Alex Steinberg 85 - NOMAD
2 Mike Holliday 84 - EMBUDO
3 Laura Jorgensen 82 - M3
4 Nate Monnig 76 - M3
5 Tom Ebert 71 - HUCK
6 Nicole Mansfield 69 - M3/KENDO
7 David Strauss 50 - HUCK/HUKA
8 Jay Hanna 45 - CFS
9 Scott Andrews 36 - CFS
10 Ben Zabar 34 - CFS
11 Steve Endy 28 - Y
12 Nell Campbell 25 - HUKA
13 Jeff Woodward 24 - HUCK
14 Katie Ammons 15 - H3
15 Molly Malone 13 - M3
16 John Demming 4 - BLUNT
all in all a great race.
we followed it up with a team relay again... good fun.
nate monnig helping pull the finish buoys.
BIG thanks to the sponsors for throwing down some great prizes.
many thanks to:
daniel at LVM
2005 race flyer: